name | purpose |
img2tif | An "img" file is converted to "tiff" file. |
simg2tif | Listed "img" files are converted to "tiff" file. |
stifconv | Listed 16bit "tiff" files are converted to 8bit "tiff" file. |
tif_conv | 16bit "tiff" file is converted to 8bit "tiff" file. |
tif_cut | Crop tiff file without bit conversion. |
tif_div | Division of tiff files. output is 16bit tiff file. |
tif_sub | Subtraction of tiff files without bit conversion. |
stifhex | Listed "tiff" files are converted to 16bit "tiff" file. |
imgdump | An "img" file is dumped to STDOUT. |
img2pgm | An "img" file is converted to "PGM" type to STDOUT. |
img_add | Addition of two "img" files. |
img_sub | Subtraction of two "img" files. |
img_rati | Division (ratio) of two "img" files. |
img_tot | Pixel value conting in "img" file. |
img_cgr | Center of gravity, Max, Min in "img" file |
mkprj | Making a projeciton image using dark, direct and sample image file in "img". |
mktra | Making a transmit image using dark, direct and sample image file in "img". |
his2img | Split a "his" file to "img" files (a0001.img, a0002.img,...). |
his2tif | Split a "his" file to "tiff" files (a0001.tif, a0002.tif,...). |
his2tifn | Split a "his" file to "tiff" files (a0001.tif, a0002.tif,...). |
his_ave | averaging of images in "his" file. output file is "img" file. |
his_time | Obtaining a time stamp for each frame in "his" file. |
libtiff_v3.6.0 | Tiff library version 3.6.0. |