Reconstruction |
reconst | reconstruct a CT image |
srec_cuda | reconstruct and normalize all CT images |
vconv | split vertical scan CT data | | split 4D scan CT data |
xrdconv | prepare data for xrdPrep using single shot XRD image |
xrdNano | make 1D XRD pattern data from 180 degrees scan images |
xrdPrep | make 1D xrd pattern data from rotation+scanning data |
xrdCTAll | reconstruct xrdCT slice images |
3D image processing | | view 3D image of the sample (volume rendering) |
viewObj | view 3D distribution of objects |
viewhole | view 3D distribution of holes |
propObj | analyze properties of objects |
propHole | analyze properties of holes |
Etc. |
imgs2tif | convert img files into tif files |