command line softwares for 3D image processing in pool server@BL20XU


How to Install command line softwares into PCs (Last update :2024.07.17)
  • Windows (Japanese, English)
  • Linux,Mac (Japanese, English)

    Command list
     reconst reconstruct a CT image
     srec_cuda reconstruct and normalize all CT images
     vconv split vertical scan CT data split 4D scan CT data
     xrdconv prepare data for xrdPrep using single shot XRD image
     xrdNano make 1D XRD pattern data from 180 degrees scan images
     xrdPrep make 1D xrd pattern data from rotation+scanning data
     xrdCTAllreconstruct xrdCT slice images
    3D image processing
     bevm.shview 3D image of the sample (volume rendering)
     viewObjview 3D distribution of objects
     viewhole view 3D distribution of holes
     propObj analyze properties of objects
     propHole analyze properties of holes
     imgs2tifconvert img files into tif files